Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Jarred's hut signs for the forest

Jarred has been having a tricky time in the forest with his hut lately. Things kept disappearing from his hut and there were not enough signs for him to put a red sign ("red sign = please leave this hut) . So yesterday we had a discussion in the forest about how we could fix this problem.
Jarred decided that making new hut signs would be a solution.

 So today Jarred set to work and created 12 new signs to be used in the forest.
 First he went to the forest to make sure he knew what was on the signs. Then he wrote all the signs in pencil and went over the words in vivid so it was easy to read.
Then Jenny helped him laminate them.
We have put them on a hook just outside our class. Please help yourself to a sign if you need one for your hut.

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